
How to Cook Sukiyaki

Informasi Wisata

-Sliced Beef
-Shiitake Mushroom
-Grilled Tofu
-Green Onion
-Garland Chrysanthemum (Shungiku)
-Thin Alimentary Yam Paste (Shirataki)

Sukiyaki Soup
-Soy Sauce
-Sweet Rice Wine (Mirin)


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How to Cook Sukiyaki

-Sliced Beef
-Shiitake Mushroom
-Grilled Tofu
-Green Onion
-Garland Chrysanthemum (Shungiku)
-Thin Alimentary Yam Paste (Shirataki)

Sukiyaki Soup
-Soy Sauce
-Sweet Rice Wine (Mirin)

Preparing vegetable.
-Garland chrysanthemum: Wash and cut this shaft. Don't need it. Then cut it about 5cm pieces.
-Shiitake Mushroom:Cut the root. Then, cut a cross mark on the surface.
-Grilled Tofu:cut it into 3cm pieces.
-Green Onion: cut it skew shape, 5cm pieces. Don't need this part.
-Shirataki (thin alimentary yam paste): cut it about 5cm pieces.

Making Sukiyaki Soup
-Let's make Sukiyaki Soup.
-First of all, add water, 100cc.
-Add Sugar, one tablespoon.
-Add Soy sauce, two and half tablespoons.
-Add Sweet rice wine, two and half tablespoons.
-Add Sake, two and half tablespoons.
-Then boil and mix them.
-If you want more sauce, add the same amount of each flavors.

Making Sukiyaki
-Fist of all, heat a pod and put cow fat.
-Then, add Green Onion.
-Green Onion gives great smell into cow fat.
-Next, add couple of beef.
-As soon as beef is cooked, add Sukiyaki Soup, one cup.
-You don't have to add too much Sukiyaki Soup. Just about 3mm deep.
-Then, start adding ingredients.

As you keep boiling, You will be loosing Sukiyaki Soup, then add more.

Making Dipping Sauce.
-When you eat Sukiyaki, you use raw egg for dipping Sauce.
-Add egg and shuffle it. Then dips a food.