
Kawara Town

Informasi Wisata

Kawara Town (川原町) is one of the Edo Style town located in Gifu city, Gifu prefecture. There are many traditional houses that have a great view of Samurai era. Because of the beautiful scenery with historical buildings, this town is registered as the Preservation Districts for Groups of Traditional Buildings. It developed as the port town of Nagaragawa river that is the very important to connect Hida, Mino and Kiso. Therefore, Kawara Town was used to be the marketplace and merchant houses of Gifu Castle.

Tourist Info.
There is parking and restroom.

0. at Gifu Station.
1. use local bus to Gifukoenmae
2. walk north

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Detailed Travel Guide

Kawara Town
Kawara Town is developed as the port town of Nagaragawa River. Therefore, many merchants built their stores and office here. During the time of Oda Nobunaga and Saito Dozan who built the castle at the top of Mt. Kinka that is located next this place Kawahara Town becomes great marketplace.

Their major trading products are wood and papers. Also, the knife and the blade of Seki are great trading products. The merchant geathers those and delivery to down river to the ocean.

There are many traditional merchant house remaining here and some of the are still doing their business.