Takkoku Cave Bisyamondo is one of the main tour attractions of Hiraizumi Iwate Prefecture. It was established in 801 by Sakanoue no Tamuramaro. Bisyamonten is the god of worrier and he respected and honored the god for his great victory of estern punitive expedition.
The Bishamondo stands on tall wooden supports across the opening of a cave which is 150m wide and 35m high. The natural cave has been enlarged further back into the cliff. To the south, in front of the Bishamondo is the Gamagaike with a small central island. To the west of the hall is the Ganmen Daibutsu, a large Buddha that has been caved into the cliff-face.
According to Azuma Kagami, in 1189, Minamoto no Yoritomo also visited this temple. Current Bisyamondo was reconstructed in 1961. Excavation and reserch have confirmed that pond existed in the 12th century heyday of Hiraizumi.
Because Tamura is the first Shogun of Japan and the faith of his legacy was born here, many worriers respected this temple.