
Fukushim Sekisho

Travel Information

Fukushim Sekisho (福島関所) is one of Nakasendo Checking point. There are 4 major Sekisho between Kyoto and Edo. On Nakasendo, there are Fukushima and Usui. On Tokaido, there are Arai and Hakone. There is reconstructed Sekisho which also displays many real Kotsu-Tegata, access permission, and other historical stuff. The view of the valley which make this gate unavoidable are still remain the same.

Tourist Info.
No parking, use the public parking near.
Admission: 300 yen for adult, and 150 yen for kids.
Close Tuesday during Dec. to March.

0. at Shiojiri Station.
1. use JR Chuo Line to Kiso Fukushima (46 min.)
2. walk north east (20 min.)

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Map around Fukushim Sekisho

Detailed Travel Guide

Fukushim Sekisho

Fukushima Sekisho is one of four major Sekisho. Tokugawa government built 50 Sekisho of 5 major road, and Fukushima Sekisho was very important gate on Nakasendo. The original house was destroyed after Meiji restoration, but it was reconstructed and designated as national ruins.

There are many Kotsu-Tegata, the access permission, in this museum. Not only, paper Tegata, but also wooden Tegata, night Tegata, and the oldest woman's Tegata is displayed.

Also, they have gun permission, too. Guns are strictly controlled for bringing in and out during the Edo period.