
Kakunodate Odano House

Travel Information

Odano House (小野田家) is one of Samurai House located in Kakunodate, Akita. Odano Family was the middle class Samurai of Satake clan. Odano family was very strong Budo-ka, Japanese martial artist. There was used to be a dojo in this house. The house was reconstructed in early 20th century as the same Samurai House. It has a beautiful Samurai Garden with old trees that planted when the house was built. Those remaining trees tells the story of Sengoku era and history of Samurai.

Tourist Info.
There is parking or restroom around the street.
Admission: Free.
Open: 9:00 to 16:30.
Close: From Dec. to mid Apr.

0. at Kakunodate Station.
1. walk west (15 min.)


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Kakunodate Odano House

Odano House is one of Samurai House in Kakunodate. Odano Family is one of Samurai of Satake-Kita clan. The house was burn down in early 20th century, and reconstructed as the middle class Samurai House again.

It has a beautiful Samurai Garden with many beautiful old trees. These trees are planted when this house was built. From the gate to the house is long way so that you can enjoy garden. On the right hand side, there was used to be a Dojo because Onoda Family was great martial artist.