
Katsuren Castle

Travel Information

Katsuren Castle (勝連城) is a ruins of Ryukyu style Castle in Okinawa. It is designated as the UNESCO World Heritage Site. It was constructed in between 13th and 14th century. It is a hilltop castle with many great stone walls. The great stone walls and baileys are remain in great conditions. This castle was ruled by Amawari clan that resisted against Ryukyu Kingdom.
In 1458, Amawari clan was lost by Ryukyu and this castle was abandoned.

Tourist Info.
There is parking and restroom.
Admission: Free

0. at Naha Bus Terminal
1. use bus 27 to Nishihara.
2. walk 10 min.


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Map around Katsuren Castle

Detailed Travel Guide

Katsuren Castle

Katsuren Castle (Katsuren Gusku) is a ruins of hill top castles in Okinawa Prefecture. It is designated as the UNESCO World Heritage Site as a part of Sites Gusuku et biens associés du royaume des Ryukyu. This mountain is located on the south end of Katsuren Peninsula. The highest point is over 100m from the sea level.

Katsuren Castle has 5 baileys, and the main bailey is located on the top of the mountain. From the top of the mountain, it has great view of Nakagusuku Bay. It was constructed in the middle of 13th centuery. It was ruled by Amawari clan. Amawari resisted against Ryukyu Kingdom as last enemy before Ryukyu Kingdom conquared Okinawa. They were defeated in 1458 and this castle was abandoned.

Today, there are Stone walls, baileys and other stone structures are remaining in the great condition.

Official Web
