
Kikuya House

Travel Information


Kikuya House (菊屋家住宅) is one of the old merchant houses located in Hagi, Yamaguchi prefecture. Kikuya family used to be the strong Samurai of the Mori clan. Therefore, this house is not only a merchant house, but it has also the features of a Samurai house. This house is the oldest merchant house constructed in 1606. It is registered as a national important cultural asset. It also displays many artworks, craftworks, and traditional tools.

Tourist Info.
There is no parking. There is a restroom.
Admission: 650 JPY for adults, 350 JPY for high & junior school, and Kids for 250 JPY.
There is a group discount.
Business hours: 9:00 to 17:00 (last entry 16:30)

0. at Hagi Station.
1. use a local bus to Hagi Museum.
2. walk.


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Map around Kikuya House

Detailed Travel Guide

Kikuya House
Kikuya Family was started at Osaka, Sumiyoshi Shrine. Later, they moved to Yamaguchi prefecture and worked for the Ohuchi clan. When the Ouchi clan was downfallen, they became merchants. In 1569, even though they were not Samurai, they fought against Otomo clan's invasion of Yamaguchi. Mori Motonari gave them the thank you letter. They also help Mori Terumoto when he lost the battle of Sekigahara, they were given the current place. After that, even they were not Samurai, their house was used as the officer of the castle town. They house was used for the city hall.