
Skunk Cabbage at Oze

Travel Information


Skunk Cabbage at Oze (尾瀬の水芭蕉). Oze is one of the most popular hiking spots in Kanto Region. It is the marshland located at the border of Fukushima and Gunma Prefecture. Oze is known as the highland of the mountain flowers. Especially, Skunk Cabbage is very famous and beautiful in Oze. From the end of May to the middle o June, you can enjoy the beautiful white flowers.

Tourist Info.
There are parking and restroom.
You cannot drive all the way up to Hatomachi mountain pass.
There is a parking space where they have shuttle buses.

drive at 401 to Fukushima.
There are parkings around OzeTokura Onsen.


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Detailed Travel Guide

Skunk Cabbage at Oze
This video introduces the route from Hatomachi Mountain Pass from Gunma Side and walks to Yamanohana where the east end of Ozegahara. This is very famous for Skunk Cabbage spots.

Ozegahara is the main feature of Oze. It is the huge marshland surrounded by over 2,000 high mountains. The marshland itself is about 1,400m high from the sea level. The marshland makes many ponds and gallery forest. Water from the mountains gather at Ozegahara and run into Sanjo Falls.

Ozegahara is very famous for Asian Skunk cabbage and Daylily. Skunk Cabbage blooms from May to July. Oze was formed in the Ice age. The plants of Oze are mostly cold district plants that started habituating during the Ice age. When the ice age was over, most of the plants are replaced from warm land plants. However, Oze was located high up in the mountain, those plants of ice age survived today.