
Old Nakamura House

Travel Information

Nakamura House (中村家住宅) is one of traditional house located in Nakagusuku, Okinawa Prefecture. It was constructed in middle of 18th century. This house has the architecture style of Kamakura period. However, there are many structure that is original in Okinawa. The roof is made from bricks coated by Stucco for against Typhoon. Nakamura family was strong farmer in Okinawa.

Tourist Info.
There are parking and restroom.
Admission: 500 Yen for adult, 300 Yen for High and Junior High, 200 Yen for Elementery.
There is group discount.
Time: 9:00 to 17:30

0. at Naha Bus Terminal
1. use bus number,.21,23,27,90 to Futenma
2. walk.

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Old Nakamura House

Nakamura House is the traditional Okinawa style House located in Nakagusuku. It has the all features of Okinawa style House. It was constructed in the middle of 18th century and because of the historical value, this house was registered as the national important cultural assets. It is very rare that this house remains almost all structures and features of Okinawa's house.

All design take the style of the house of Kamakura and Muromachi period. It has also the feature of both Samurai style and farmer style in Okinawa.

The stone walls are surrounding this house, and threes are planted to privent the damage from Typhoon. The roof use the bricks coated by Stucco that is also strong against Typhoon. There are 11 rooms and kitchen, storages. Also, there is the pig breeding house on backyard.