
Omi Hino Merchant House

Travel Information

Omi Hino Merchant House (近江日野商人館) is a local museum located in Hino, Shiga Prefecture. It was used to be the house of Hino Merchant family, Yamanaka Hyouemon. It show the typical Hino Merchant house. Hino Merchant spent more money on the detail of the house that is not really out standing. You can see those stylish decoration of the house at this mouseum. It also displays many treasures and history of Hino Merchants.

Tourist Info.
There is parking and restroom.
Admission: 300 yen for Adult and 120 yen under Junior.
There is a group discount.
Time: 9:00 to 16:00
Closed on: Tueday.(When Monday is holiday, closed on Tuesday)

0. at Koka Station.
1. use JR Kusatsu Line to Kibugawa Station.
2. use Omi Line to Hino Station.
3. use local bus to Okubo.


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Detailed Travel Guide

Omi Hino Merchant House

One of the Omi Hino Merchant House that reformed as the public museum. It displays all kinds of records, treasures and historical materials.

Hino Merchant is one of the very powerful merchants during Edo period. They made a great reasonable cups for all people. Before the Edo period, cups were very expensive. However, after the Samurai era, Japan became very peaceful and people start spending money for those cups. The saling low price products are beginning of the mordern business style.