
Sugamo Jizo Strip

Travel Information

Jizo shopping street (巣鴨地蔵通り商店街,sugamojizodorisyoutengai) is chosen the most popular shopping street 2006 in Japan. There are over 200 stores. There are a famous Jizo senbei(rice crackers). This shopping street is the favorite street especially for seniors. You can try many Japanese food and snacks. Oobanyaki is the coin look like pancake. Be careful in side of the chocolate is very hot. If you think Shibuya is too stylish, Visit here. This is the real Japan. The street is about half mile long.
Tourist Info:
Sugamo is a neighborhood in Toshima, Tokyo, Japan. It is well known for Jiz?-d?ri, a popular shopping street for the older generation. It lies at the crossing point of the JR Yamanote railway line, and national road route Route 17.
0. From Tokyo station.
1. use Yamanote line (JR) to Sugamo Station. (19 minutes)
2. walk north west (5 minute)

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Map around Sugamo Jizo Strip

Detailed Travel Guide

Sugamo Jizo Strip

Sugamo, on the JR Yamanote line, is popularly known as "Grandma's Harajuku" (obaachan no Harajuku), and indeed most shops in the area do seem targeted towards a geriatric clientele. For the (rare) tourist, however, this means a plentiful supply of tea, pottery, kitchen implements and clothes in styles that went out of fashion 50 years ago. The area is at its liveliest on the 4th, 14th and 24th of each month when a street market is held.
In Sugamo MacDonald, all the menus are used only Japanese instead of using English Japanese. Example: Potato=Oimo S.M.L=syou chu dai)
(reference: Wikipedia, Wikitravel)