

Travel Information

Unuma-Juku (鵜沼宿) is the 52nd post-town of Nakasendo Road located in Kakamigaha, Gifu Prefecture. There are some of the traditional houses that remaining since the period of the Samurai era. There is also completely restored Waki-Honjin, the hotel for Daimyo during the Daimyo parade. You can feel like walking into the Samurai period.

Tourist Info.
There are parking and restroom.

0. at Gifu Station.
1. use JR Takayama Line to Unuma Station.
2. walk south.

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Map around Unuma-Juku

Detailed Travel Guide

Unuma-juku is a 52nd post town from Edo in Nakasendo Road located in Gifu Prefecture. This town was established in 1651. There are one Honjin and Waki-Honjin and 25 hotels. Waki-Honjin was fully restored base to on the remaining blueprint.

Azumi Mon Gate
This gate was used to be the main gate of Ogaki-castle and sold to Azumi family. Then it was donated here. The main feature is the metal plates that cover the masts of the gate for fireproofing from fire arrows.

Nakasendo Unumajuku Machiya House
This house was constructed in late Edo period. There are a front garden and the middle garden. Three of the buildings are registered as cultural assets. They display historic records.

Unumajuku Waki-Honjin
Waki-Honjin is a fully restored building located in Kakamigahara, Gifu Prefecture. It was used to be the house of Saki family. Then, Noguchi family was given this house. There is a blueprint of this house written in 1864 remaining and this house was constructed based on that. Therefore, you can see the original structures of the hotels for Daimyo during the Daimyo parade.