
Saga-Yoshinogari 各地旅游



Saga-Yoshinogari (佐賀・吉野ヶ里) area is the central part of Saga Prefecture. It has a rich history of acient Japan. the site of Yoshinogari is one of the largest settlement of Yayoi Period (from 3 B.C.E to early 3 A.C.E). Also, Saga castle and its castle town has great historical site there. Also, south side of this area face to Ariake Sea that has great seafood.

交通動線 Saga-Yoshinogari

By Car

Use Kyusyu Express Way to south. Change Nagasaki Express way. Exit at Saga-yamato.

By Train

Use JR Kagoshima Line to Tosu Station. Change JR Nagasaki Line to Saga Station.

Yoshinogari Archaeological Site

地區分怖 Saga