
Hagi Castle


Hagi Castle (萩城址) is a hilltop castle located in Hagi City, Yamaguchi Prefecture. It was constructed in 1604 by Mori Terumoto. The entire site is registered as a national historical site and a UNESCO World Heritage Site. There are many structures of the castle such as Tensu Hill, the tea house, and the eastern garden. It is also known as the Cherry blossom spot with 600 Sakura trees.

Tourist Info.
There are parking and a restroom.
Admission: 220 JPY, 100 for under Junior.
There is a group discount.
Business Hours: 8:00 to 18:30 (Apr. to Oct.), 8:30 to 16:30 (Nov. to Feb.) 8:30 to 18:00 (Mar.)

0. at Hagi Station.
1. use a local bus to Hagijyoshi.



the Ronins 映画好き集まれ!

周圍的地圖 Hagi Castle


Hagi Castle
After his defeat at the Battle of Sekigahara, Mori Terumoto moved to Hagi in 1604 and built his modern Hagi Castle. The castle was completed in 1608, and the Mori clan would rule for the next 260 years until Japan welcomed in the new era of Meiji during the time of the thirteenth domain lord, Mori Takachika. From a top Mt. Shizuki, 143m above sea level, the clan could keep watch over the surrounding area. A stronghold was also set upt here, which could sustain them through a siege in times of war.
The honmaru, main bailey, was positioned deep in the flatlands below the mountain, and contained the castle keep and daimyo's palace. The ninomaru ,outer bailey, surrounded the main bailey from three sides, and was home to the clan's facilities such as weapon towers. It also contained the family temple of the clan's ancestor Mori Motonari, and recreational area for the domain lord such as the East Garden. The honmaru and ninomaru were separated by the inner moat, and the ninomaru and sannomaru by the central moat, which has now been reclaimed. Around 1873, the castle's various structures, including the keep, where dismantled, and in 1879, a commemorative shine to the Mori clan, Shizukiyama Shrine, was fecture, and later in 1951 was designated a national historic site. In 2015, it became part of the UNESCO World Heritage Site of Japan's Meiji Industrial Revolution: Iron & Steel, Shipbuilding and COal Mining site, forming part of the Hagi Castle Town component site.