
Shinjuku 7 Lucky Gods Pilgrimage


Shinjuku 7 Lucky Gods Pilgrimage (新宿山ノ手七福神) is one of Shichifukujin Pilgrimage in Tokyo. Unlike other 7 lucky gods, you collect the cute dolls of each god and a treasure ship. The pilgrimage Shichfukujin, the 7 lucky Gods, is one of the popular worshippings in any place of Japan. You will visit 7 different shrines and temples that enshrine each god and collect the lucky dolls and your luck. Because of cut dolls, it is very popular for kids.

Tourist Info.
It is the all through year pilgrimage.
Time: 9:00 to 16:00
Dolls: 400 Yen
The ship: 1000 Yen
Time: 120 min.
You can get a map at any office.

0. at Shinjuku Station.
1. use Toei Oedo Line to Higashi Shinjku Station.
Zenkokuji temple is located on Ushigome-kagurazaka Station.




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Shinjuku 7 Lucky Gods Pilgrimage
The pilgrimage Shichfukujin, the 7 lucky Gods, is one of the popular worshiping in any place of Japan. Most of the towns in Japan has temples and shrines that enshrine each one of 7 Lucky Gods. Every town and city of Japan have this 7 lucky gods tour. Not only Goshuin, the red sign, but some of the tours has special dolls, figures, and great gifts. 7 Lucky Gods Tour travels famous temples and shrines of each location. So, it is simply great tourism. Most of the sacred statues are open for public only early January. So, collect the good luck at the beginning of the year!

Inari Kino Shrine
It enshrines Yebisu. Ebisi is the lucky god with a fishing pole on right hand, and red bream on left hands. Ebisu is the only Japanese God in 7 Lucky Gods. Inari Kino Shrine was established in 1653, and moved to the current location in 1831. It is the only Inari Shrine that has the name of Kino.

Zenkokuji Temple
It enshrines Bisyamonten. Bisyamonten is Indian God of War. He is not only the god of war, but also the god of treasure and wealth. He wears yellow armor, a pagoda on the left hand and a spear in right hand. He is stepping on the evil with his angry face. Zenkokuji Temple is Nichiren Buddhism temple established in 1595.

Keioji Temple
It enshrines Daikoku. Daikokuten has a hammer with the right hand, and a lucky bag on left hand. Then, he stands on two straw rice bags. He is the combination gods of Indian god and Japanese god. Keioji Temple is Nichiren Buddhism Temple established in 1598.

Itsukushima Shrine
It enshrines Benzaiten. Benzaiten is the only Goddess in 7 Lucky Gods. She was originally Indian Goddess. She is a god of water. Benten Shrine in Japan always located near water.

The office only opens at the beginning of January. After that, you have to visit Nishimuki Tenjin Shrine.

Eifukuji Temple
It enshrines Fukurokuju. Fukurokuju is Laozi in China. His name is made from, Fuku of Lucky, Roku of wealth, Ju of eternal life. He has long head, long beard, stuff and his partner crane. Eifukuji is Soto Buddhism Temple established in 1648.

Hozenji Temple
It enshrines Jurojin. Jurojin is the founder of Taoism. It's the wizard who turned out from Laozi. He wears a cute cap, and has a long stuff and a deer as the partner. Hozenji is Nichiren Buddhism temple established 1687.

Taisoji Temple
Hotei is Zen priest who existed in China during 10th century.
Hotei has a huge bailey and great smile. He has a fan called Bashosen and like Daikoku, he has a lucky bag. If you can touch his bailey, it gives you good luck. Taishoji is Pureland Buddhism temple established 1668.

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