
Ikiiki Asakusa Ajisai Festa.

Travel Information

Ikiiki Asakusa Ajisai Festa. (いきいき浅草あじさい祭) is one of Hydrangea festival happens at Iriya, Tokyo. This festival is a Hydrangea Festival held at Chokokuji temple. Hydrangea is the flower of June in Japan. At Chokokuji, there are about 100 kinds of Hydrangea and you can buy them. You can also join the special Buddhism reception that has a history since Edo period.

Tourist Info.
There is no parking or restroom.
Ajisai Basket is for 1500 yen.
The special reception is 2,000 yen and registered at the office of the temple.
Period: The weekend of the middle of June.
Time: Sat: 12:00 to 17:00, Sun: 10:00 to 17:00

0. at Ueno Station.
1. use Hibiya Line to Iriya or Minowa.
2. walk (20 min.)

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Detailed Travel Guide

Ikiiki Asakusa Ajisai Festa.

Ikiiki Asakusa Ajisai Matsuri is the Hydrangea festival held at Chokokuji Temple. There are 100 kinds of Hydrangea will be displayed and sold here.

Houroku Moxibustion Reception
It is traditional Buddhism Reception at Chokokuji Temple. You do Moxibustion on the top of your head where it has the pressure point for Summer heat sickness.

After the reception, you will get special Omamori.