
Kuroyama Three Waterfals

Travel Information

Kuroyama Three Waterfals (黒山三滝) is one of the popular waterfalls located in Ogose, Saitama. There are three waterfalls, Tengu Falls, Odaki Falls and Medaki Falls. Kuroyama (Mt. Kuro) was used to be Shugendo place. The temple was established in 1398 and these three waterfalls are considered as Nachi Falls and Shingu in Kumano.

Tourist Info.
There is parking.

0. at Ogose Station.
1. use Local bust to Kuroyama.

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Detailed Travel Guide

Kuroyama Three Waterfals

Odaki: 11.2m
Medaki: 4.5m
Tengu Falls: 13.6m

It is also chosen as one of 100 best tourist spots and top 9th waterfalls.